Watch the first 3 minutes of this video for an overview of The Inflammation Academy, or watch the full video for detailed explanations of what's inside!
It is possible for you to save yourself and look forward to a bright future.
Here are the Inflammation solutions you can get to start reclaiming control
over your health TODAY
Knowledge, tools, and resources are designed to empower you to control your symptoms now. Naturally.
Delivered by an award-winning author and experienced expert in natural health who is also living with MS.
Where are you now?
Are your symptoms utterly debilitating, keeping you from enjoying family, or merely annoying, and only affecting one facet of your life, perhaps toileting?
Where do you want to be when it comes to your health?
Wouldn't it be amazing if you had the power to choose to suffer from symptoms... or not?
Imagine feeling secure about making plans and dreams for your future, confident that you'll be able to fully participate in your life.
Here are the Inflammation solutions you can get to start reclaiming control
over your health TODAY
Knowledge, tools, and resources are designed to empower you to control your symptoms now. Naturally.
Delivered by an award-winning author and experienced expert in natural health who is also living with MS.
Where are you now?
Are your symptoms utterly debilitating, keeping you from enjoying family, or merely annoying, and only affecting one facet of your life, perhaps toileting?
Where do you want to be when it comes to your health?
Wouldn't it be amazing if you had the power to choose to suffer from symptoms... or not?
Imagine feeling secure about making plans and dreams for your future, confident that you'll be able to fully participate in your life.
Choose the level of personal and financial commitment right for you now, knowing that you can move up any time you are ready.
Each level of the Inflammation Academy Staircase includes specific Courses. The Courses, listed in the stack at the far right, are color-coded to match the level in the Staircase. Each level builds upon the lower steps, leading you through a journey toward a life without the symptoms of inflammation.
Look into anti-inflammatory habits and lifestyle changes that could make a real difference in how you feel.
Learn to recognize hidden inflammation in your body and how it could be sabotaging your health.
Simple strategies for anti
-inflammatory eating.
Open the pathways to healing.
What your body is missing.
Control the inflammation.
Look into anti-inflammatory habits and lifestyle changes that could make a real difference in how you feel.
Learn to recognize hidden inflammation in your body and how it could be sabotaging your health.
Simple strategies for anti-inflammatory eating.
Open the pathways to healing.
What your body is missing.
Control the inflammation.
Supercharge your healing by adding in mind and body work through neuro-reprogramming and targeted movement.
Clear the uninvited hitchhikers binding you with inflammation.
Heal your nervous system with neuro-reprogramming.
Discover the right movements for
your body.
Release toxins at home.
Fine-tune your efforts with sophisticated blood and urine testing to discover your exact food sensitivities and take years off of your
health journey.
Achieve complete assimilation and absorption of nutrients.
Stop guessing about food choices.
12 months to take your health to the next level with more testing and one-on-one guidance to pinpoint deficiencies and adjust behaviors.